Concept Show Garden at Bloom 2015 – Brian Burke


Non Forsit is latin and translates literally as ’No Problem’. The youngest child in the family, Eddie was born with Spina Bifida. Spina Bifida is latin and translates literally as ‘Split Spine’. As a result of this condition Eddie uses a mobility aid when he is outside playing with his older brother and sister; Evan and Naima.(View profile)


The overriding request from the family was that Eddie be able to access and participate in all elements of the garden. I have tried to achieve this by providing wheelchair compatible paths to every area, building gentle gradient ramps for level changes, eliminating kerbs and ground level protrusions for easy transition between surfaces and constructing interactive elements such as a water feature, vegetable planters and an insect colony at a height suitable for Eddie’s mobility aid.



Name: Brian Burke – SUPER GARDEN WINNER 2015
Company: Brian Burke Gardens
Address: Ballycarroll
Co. Laois
@: brianburkegardens@gmail. com

Source: Bloom