Concept Show Garden at Bloom 2015 – Fiann Ó Nualláin

Fiann Ó Nualláin is an author, broadcaster and perennial bloom designer. With a background in medicinal botany and holistic therapies he is an advocate of the healing potential of the garden and has worked in the field of horticultural therapy for almost two decades. His book first aid from the garden remains Ireland’s fast selling gardening book and his current title with Mercier press beauty from the garden to be launched at Bloom, has inspired his bloom garden this year.(View profile)


‘Beauty full’ is a beautiful idea – that you can have a corner of your garden as a home spa. A space to rejuvenate in, filled will all the botanicals required to whiten teeth , add lustre to hair, strength to nails, refinement to skin and beauty and wellbeing to mind, body and spirit. Based upon the plants that feature in Fiann’s ‘how to’ book on natural beauty products (beauty from the garden, Mercier press) the garden shows how simple it is to GIY treatments for everything from dandruff to fine lines, from cellulite to UV damage and all paraben, sodium lauryl sulfate and nitrosamine free – yes a garden to help you go nude – just not on front of the president please



Name: Fiann Ó Nualláin
Company: The holistic gardener
M: 0873154539

Source: Bloom