Kennedy Primroses – An Irish Cultivar

For over 30 years IGPS member Joe Kennedy bred a variety of native primroses with their distinctive dark leaves . Nurseryman, Pat Fitzgerald succeeded in growing these Irish primroses on a commercial scale. Launched in 2011 the “Kennedy Primrose” are now sold worldwide and are an example of how Irish flora con contribute to the economy while preserving our native floral heritage.

An absolute must lecture for those working in the horticulture industry.

WHEN: February 27, 2014 @ 8:00 pm – 9:45 pm
WHERE: Lecture Hall
National Botanic Gardens
Dublin 9. Ireland
COST: Free. Parking available at the Gardens €2
CONTACT: Anne-Marie E-mail

Source: Irish Garden Plant Society – Kennedy Primroses – An Irish Cultivar