McCausland Officially Opens New £225,000 Eco Centre in Omagh

The Eco Centre will be managed by the Mullaghmore and Castleview Community Association (MACCA) and has been built within their Community Garden which has allotments and a nature reserve already popular with the local community.

The centre will provide facilities for the community garden users and also space for cultural events, educational workshops and seminars, and exhibitions.

In appreciation of the new facility Minister McCausland said: “I would like to congratulate the Mullaghmore & Castleview Community Association and all those involved in the development of this new Eco Centre. All should be very proud of the innovative design and the achievement of being awarded the ‘Passiv Haus’ certificate.

“This centre will raise environmental awareness and I hope it will encourage local residents to get more involved in the community garden project and volunteering in general. The facility will allow the association to increase its contribution to the social economy and create a level of sustainability that will enable them to provide more services and educational opportunities for local residents.”

The Chairman of Omagh District Council, Councillor Sean Begley added: “Omagh District Council’s contribution to the development of this centre is testament to our commitment to supporting the creation and sustainability of strong, vibrant local communities, such as the one here in Mullaghmore and Castleview. The Council has managed Neighbourhood Renewal on behalf of the Department for Social Development, but will have direct responsibility for it after 1 April next year when the function is transferred to the new Council. MACCA has been an active participant in the Partnership for many years and has worked with a range of agencies to develop and revitalise the estate and community. The addition of the Eco Centre will help the local and social economy to develop and prosper in this area, and is already, I am sure, a well used facility for the community.”

Further develop work is planned to make the garden and allotment space more accessible to those with physical disabilities and the elderly. In addition MACCA plans to develop a forest school/educational base by planting native trees and bushes together with digging areas, communal seating and natural playing spaces in the near future.

Source: GardenGuide News Room