Organisational Resilience

21 August 2014 | 10.00 – 17.00 ( With optional 2 day design challenge) | WeCreate, Cloughjordan Ecovillage. In an environment that is constantly changing, our community-based initiatives and cooperative enterprises need to be adaptive, flexible and resilient. There is no one right way to organise, but new emerging whole system approaches such as the Viable Systems Model and Sociocracy can help us understand and design operating systems for our organisations that are truly collaborative.

These events are for anyone considering how we design organisational structures that can empower everyone involved to participate in shaping and making the decisions that affect them, while at the same time nurturing closer relationships and resilience.

An additional two day design challenge, for those wishing to go deeper into the practice of designing viable organisations, is available.

A Course for Community Catalysts made up of two events that can be taken alone or together:

  • Organisational Resilience One Day Master Class (25 places) €30
  • Organisational Resilience Design Challenge (15 places) €60

Hosted by:

Davie Philip – A Transition catalyst, Permaculture teacher and the driver of Cultivate’s Community Resilience programme. He has an interest in, and uses the tools of, Art of Hosting and Social Permaculture.

Mark Horne – Works under the banner of Community Conscious to promote practical learning and insight amongst diverse groups of people who want to unlock their potential for living and working together.

Source: Cultivate – Organisational Resilience