Rathmullan House Gardening Workshops

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I’m delighted to highlight the upcoming Green Fingers Sessions with Gareth in the Garden of Rathmullan House. These sessions will be wonderful opportunities to expand your gardening skills and horticulture knowledge, and of course, enjoy the surroundings and relaxation offered by a stay in the award winning Rathmullan House.

It’s true that the garden is what attracted Bob Wheeler to purchase Rathmullan House all those years ago and these gardens have been enhanced and maintained so that they form a key part of the visitor attraction of Rathmullan House in Rathmullan, County Donegal.

Over the 6th and 7th April, I’ll lead some fascinating sessions covering many great areas of gardening and each of these workshops will be a hands-on learning experience.

For tickets and full details please visit the Rathmullan House website here. 

Source: GarethAustin – Rathmullan House Gardening Workshops