Snails Have A Built-In Homing Device – Philip Voice

After such a wet winter, and early spring, you won’t be surprised that there appears to be a glut of slugs and snails in your garden. Whilst some gardeners admit to throwing snails over the fence into their neighbour’s gardens, it seems those efforts are futile because the snails will come back.

A recent study has found that if a snail is tossed a few metres from where it’s found, it will simply return to the same area. Only by taking a snail further than 20 metres away do you stand a chance that it will not return.

After starting my garden maintenance and landscaping business in 1984 and running it for 21 years I decided I needed a change of direction (probably a mid life crisis, no seriously! :-0) Together with my family, wife Donna, Son Henry and Daughter Fleur (not forgetting Hector the Black Labrador) I moved to France in search of an old farmhouse to renovate. In the interim period whilst waiting for the contract to go through I started writing a blog. Initially just to keep a diary for family and friends to keep up with our progress if they wished but then it occurred to me that there isn’t a real time watcher of the landscape industry in the UK. I didn’t want to waste my experience and experiences so I decided I could put all of this Juice to good use so I started Landscape Juice.

Source: Landscape Juice – Snails Have A Built-In Homing Device – Philip Voice