Want To ‘Reuse It’? There’s an App for That!

Hate binning perfectly good items, but don’t always know how they can be reused and given a second life? Then our new free smartphone app is here to help.

The new Reuse It! by CRNI smartphone app was developed by CRNI as a project funded under the EPA Green Business National Waste Prevention Programme. The app helps users to find suitable and reliable reuse organizations in Ireland, including CRNI members and local authorities. This means that items that are no longer of use to one household or business can be reused in an ethical, environmentally friendly and useful manner.

With options for furniture, textiles, art materials, mattresses, electrical and IT equipment, paint, bikes, card board and paper and charity shop items, the Reuse It app makes it quicker and more convenient to find an environmentally sound solution to getting rid of used items. The app includes instructional videos to help users repair and reuse a number of household items.

Reusing items prevents waste going to landfill, conserves precious resources, creates jobs, and boosts local economies. Simply download the Reuse It! by CRNI app from iTunes or Google Play and start reusing.

Source: EnvirocentreNews.ie – Want To ‘Reuse It’? There’s an App for That!