Meet the Phoenix Park Gardeners

Come and discover the beautiful restored Victorian Walled Kitchen Garden. Learn about growing your own fruit and vegetables, herbs and lots more. Meet OPW professional gardeners Brian and Meeda at the Victorian Walled Kitchen Garden on Saturday, March 9th between 10.30am and 12noon with lots of advice to plan your perfect garden for the Spring months ahead. Please bring suitable footwear.


Gardens open 7 days a week from 10am to 4pm. Car Parking available.

The Victorian Walled Kitchen Garden is located next to the Phoenix Park Visitor Centre, and the Phoenix Café. The OPW professional gardeners are on site on the second Saturday of the month, (February to November).

Please click on the link below for the Victorian Walled Garden Visitor’s Brochure.

Victorian Walled Garden Brochure

Source: Phoenix Park – Meet the Phoenix Park Gardeners